Lunet Zorg Budel

For years, aarts & co furnishes the common rooms within a range of residential care facilities of Lunet zorg.

Often, this concerns residential care facilities located in neighborhoods such as Menno van Coehoornlaan in Budel Noord, but aarts & co also furnishes residential parks like De Donksbergen en Eckartdal.

Lunet zorg supports the mentally impaired in strengthening their own powers. Over 2.800 clients of all ages rely upon Lunet zorg for living and working, daytime activities and leisure, for 24/7 intensive care or limited, occasional assistance.

At almost 100 locations and/or in the client’s own or parental household in the region of Zuidoost-Brabant, 2.500 professionals and 1.100 volunteers are at their day-to-day disposal.